The Best 37 Days for Trading Starts Monday! Register for this FREE event while there’s still time.
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We’re about to enter the greatest 37-day window for trading of the entire year.
And it all begins this Monday, October 21.
Ben Sturgill is going live on Monday at 8 pm ET, to explain why this 37-day window is set to generate bigger opportunities than any other time of year.
“If any of our students didn’t make the money they hoped to in 2024, this is their final and best chance,” Ben said.
An academic paper by a Harvard Professor concluded this 37-day window leads to “substantial price volatility and substantial increases in volume.”
And that “high returns (and) high buying pressure” occur predictably.
Ben has already traded this 37-day window for gains of:
228% in one day with Draftkings
177% in a few hours with United States Steel
And more…
On Monday, at 8 pm ET, Ben will show you exactly what this 37-day window is, why it's reappearing in the stock market now, and how you can trade it yourself.
Once you sign up below, we will send you a calendar with specific tickers to keep your eye on. During Ben’s live event on Monday, he will reveal the #1 trade he is recommending today. All you have to do is show up to get its name and ticker…
The Best 37 Days for Trading Starts Monday! Register for this FREE event while there’s still time.
By submitting your email & phone, you give us permission to 1. Sign you up for the Operation Master Calendar Event, 2. Send free ongoing updates via our independent financial email newsletter, and 3. Share carefully selected marketing offers for product and services we think will interest you. You can unsubscribe at any time. See Terms of Service here.